Join the Horizons Society, a community committed to making a lasting impact through planned gifts to Good Samaritan Hospital Foundation. Whether we’re already part of your plans or you’re considering it, your gift speaks volumes about your values and inspires generosity in others.
The details of your gift are confidential, and we respect your privacy if you wish to remain anonymous. Let us know if you’ve already included us in your plans so we can ensure your gift aligns with your goals.

Meet Our Members
Frances and Shirley Achenbach*
David and Shirley Bender
John and Elisabeth Boyd*
Richard and Gladys Carroll*
Mary Ellen Dietrich
Dale Goodwin
Daniel Hawkins
David and Elizabeth Heiligman*
Elmer and Erlene Henise*
F. Lois Henry
Dr. Abram* and Patricia Hostetter
Shirley Karinch
Mike and Yvonne Kuhn
Willard Light*
Robert and Susan Longo
Bud* and Joyce Mitstifer
George* and Lorraine Patton
David and Marilynn* Pleet
Jason and Beth Trout
John and C. Jeanette Witmer*